TCM Theory and Treatment-The effect of the acupuncture mat is based on acupressure, a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupressure improves the flow of energy by applying pressure to the body's energy points. This leads to an optimization of the organ functions and can relieve pain. , Magnetic Field Therapy-TOMSHOO acupressure mat uses magnetic spikes on it, which has an incredible effect on the body to help boost your overall health. They activate the cell metabolism and thus promote blood circulation. Actively alleviate your pain and relax and enjoy the day. , Extended Size- TOMSHOO acupressure mat has updated its size for more people. The size of the mat of 120 cm x 42 cm x 2 cm is absolutely sufficient for a body height of up to 1.95 m. You no longer have to worry about the length, and simply set them up on a bed, couch or floor and lie on them. , Safe Material- ABS material with hard, non-toxic, fully recyclable plastic ensures the spikes don't wear out. You can handle the mat directly on your skin or wear clothes while using it and place it on a soft surface. You have more fun with your acupressure mat, natural organic cotton dyed with vegetable dyes (100%). , Diverse Areas of Application- You can use TOMSHOO acupressure set in different ways, back pain, arthritis pain, wound healing, insomnia,headaches, fibromyalgia pain, insomnia, chronic stress, tiredness, tension, circulatory disorders and much more.