OUR BEIGE UNDERWRAP - Is hardly noticeable. The lightweight polyurethane foam is featherlight on the skin yet strong enough to be applied under tension. The breathable design creates a comfortable barrier between your skin and sports tapeFOAM FABRIC - Our Under wraps are made exclusively from lightweight foam bandage. Its porous and water-repellant. The soft foam is easy to use, very mild on the skin and does not absorb moisture.ADHESIVE FREE - Our sports pre wrap is non-sticky yet lightly rubberised to touch. It prevents slipping on the skin, keeping bandages and tapes in place underneath your sports tape.FOOTBALL ANKLE TAPE - Our pre tape is most commonly used in football around the ankle, underneath the Zinc Oxide tape ankle strapping. It prevents your physio from having to stick strapping directly to your skin.NO GLUE - Perfect for sensitive skin. Underwrap pre-tape contains no glue, but it is lightly rubberised to the touch. This prevents it slipping on the skin, keeping bandages and tapes in place.